Mass follow targeted TikTok users from any tag search in TikTok or import your own custom list.
Mass unfollow users with various settings, such as only those who don’t follow you back or only users followed more than a specific # of days ago.
Mass like thousands of finely targeted and filtered videos on TikTok with the click of a button. You can also monitor your feed or any tag and like new videos as they are published.
Target users and like their recent videos (you can specify how many). Extremely effective method to gain more followers. Much more effective than just liking a single video!
Targeting filter
Mass unfollow users with various settings, such as only those who don’t follow you back or only users followed more than a specific # of days ago.
Monitor a tag search and automatically like new videos or follow users immediately. This ensures you are targeting only active users!
With the NinjaTOK application you’ll receive all y the way, you get all of the bells and whistles needed to automate your TikTok account and grow rapidly.
Included with esteemed software updates and customer support within 24 hours.